Does your business change during the summer?

Summer is here once again and depending what industry you are in, your small business will be affected with seasonal revenue adjustments. Some businesses will be in their prime season – with a welcomed healthy increase in revenues; while other businesses will be finding it difficult to contact their distracted, holiday-minded clients. No matter which business sector you are in, one thing is certain: Summer can be a challenge.

As small business coaches, we have a number of tips that we share with our clients to help them get the most out of the summer holidays. Pick the tips that best suit you, and make sure to have some fun over the summer holidays.

Tip #1

Networking – When clients are hard to get a hold of because they are dealing with kids being out of school, landscaping makeovers, and trips to the beach, there is only one way to get their attention… Host a party!

That’s right, socializing is an excellent way to build your business during the summer months. If you are passionate about boating, invite a prospective client to go out with you on the boat. Like camping? Invite a client to spend the day out at the cabin. What ever you like to do yourself, invite someone you want to get to know better to do it with you.

Tip #2

Strategic alliances – Think of the top 3 strategic business alliances that you would love to have. Write them down. Take the time to ask some of your contacts about these potential alliances, and see if you can find out where they like spend their time. We all have a business life and a personal life. Most business owners like to associate with other people that have similar interests (golf perhaps?) and see if there is an opportunity to spend some time with them. It will make it easier to get a meeting after the summer if you get to know them a bit.

Tip #3

Innovative business planning – Every business owner needs time to stop working IN their small business and take the time to spend working ON their small business. Summer holidays is a great time to take some friends and business associates out to the cabin or back yard to have a mastermind business planning meeting.

Mastermind business planning meetings allow you to be creative and innovative. Don’t be surprised if your best business ideas come to you while you’re sitting in the back yard enjoying a cold drink with a few friends.

Tip #4

Recharge – We all need time to recharge after working hard, yet most small business owners can always find another fire to put out. The ability to disengage from work and recharge will keep you sharp and in peak performance. Consider it an obligation to learn how to relax and recharge. Your business will thank you for it in the long run.

Tip #5

Make emotional deposits – One of the most overlooked performance factors with all small business owners is our emotions. We are emotional beings – and because of that, our emotions are directly connected to our business success. Use your summer holidays to make emotional deposits with your family and friends by spending time with them. Fun and enjoyable activities create memories that increase your overall happiness. When your overall happiness increases, you will have more emotional resources available – allowing you to have more resilience when things are difficult. So remember, spending time with family and loved ones is as good as money in the bank; your emotional bank, that is.

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